NNPCF work SEND Implementation Plan Uncategorized

SEND Mediation Standards consultation

We have been asked to share the following information from the SEND Dispute Resolution Steering Group.

The College of Mediators (COM) and the Civil Mediation Council (CMC) hold a joint register of accredited SEND mediators.

This comes about as a result of standards specific to SEND mediation practice that were drawn up by a panel of providers in 2018. In a changing mediation environment and in the context of governmental change to SEND provision, these standards are now currently being reviewed with a view to ensuring that SEND mediation continues to be delivered to a consistently high standard.

When the standards were originally drawn up the expectation was that they would be applicable to experienced mediators working in other fields, who might extend their practice to SEND disputes.

These new standards will have a wider ranging application, extending to those who are newly trained as mediators and who may, for example, be moving into mediation from a background in SEND and /or education.

The standards will apply to those who wish to apply to join the register. Those SEND mediators who are already on the register will not need to re-apply, but will need to demonstrate the annual CPD and practice requirements going forward.

As part of this review therefore, the standards have been revised and are now being circulated among mediators and other professionals working in the SEND context.

You can read the revised standards below:

Professional_Standards_for_SEND-Mediators_draft_January_2024_for_consultation.pdf (

We welcome your views on the standards document generally and in particular we would value your responses to the questions outlined in the following consultation: Consultation re SEND Mediation Standards (

Children's Commissioner SEND Implementation Plan

Commissioner calls for radical rehaul of the SEND system

The Children’s Commissioner has expressed her concerns about lack of support for children with Special Educational Needs in mainstream education and long waiting times for EHCPs as demand reaches new highs.

The NNPCF, welcome this report, which has confirmed what we have said for quite some time, that the 2014 reforms had good intentions, but issues with the systems around those reforms meant that delivery wasn’t carried out to everyone’s expectations.

The government has looked at the SEND system and the SEND AP implementation plan and been born out of that consultation. We recognise it will take a while to unpick this, trial changes and make any legislative changes needed.

However, we know from our membership that families are already missing important opportunities.

We remain solution focused and committed to work with our partners towards the aims set out by the SEND AP Implementation Plan.

However we do have concerns about the impact on families while this is achieved.

Find out more on the Children’s Commissioner’s website: